Marco Nica - Risate di Natale - Marco Nica WebSite

Marco Nica
Marco Nica
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The show "Risate di Natale" (Christmas Laughter) is an event organized by the Cultural Association Fare Teatro for charity evenings and takes place during the Christmas holiday season; in the summer version, the name changes to "Risate sotto le stelle" (Laughter under the stars) but the format remains the same. A series of sketches follow one another to give the audience moments of carefreeness between one laugh and another. To make the show more varied and interesting, other theater companies or prominent guests are often invited to participate. In 2006, we had the pleasure of sharing the stage with the brilliant Alberto Farina, who later became a full member of the Colorado team. In our team, some actors often appear as extras in recent Italian film productions or television commercials.
Web Site by Marco Nica - Copyright 2016-2024 (c)
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