Marco Nica - Associazione Fare Teatro - Marco Nica WebSite

Marco Nica
Marco Nica
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The Cultural Association Fare Teatro was founded in Nettuno (Rome) on April 26, 2005 by Marco Nica, who immediately took on the role of President. This mandate, as stated in the statute, is for life. The respect for high quality standards in the proposed works is an essential principle to which all members must adhere, because even amateur realities, when dedicated to culture, must take on all ethical and moral responsibilities to present the audience with a product of great respect. For those who want to be part of the group, talent is a fundamental prerequisite because not even the most prestigious academy can teach it. "Fare Teatro" is a name chosen to remind everyone of the importance of living this unique experience, capable of shaping the individual deep within their soul through the interpretation of the infinite masks of the human genre. The events proposed by the association, however, are not limited only to theater, but also extend to film projects and various artistic events. Particular importance is given to charitable initiatives, which often represent the ultimate goal of many proposed works, thus allowing, through art, to provide concrete help to those in need.
Web Site by Marco Nica - Copyright 2016-2024 (c)
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